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Professional Educators Of Tennessee's Legislative Program
We are fierce advocates for a more robust discussion of the transformative power of public education. As the fastest-growing teacher association in the state, we offer a modern approach to teacher representation and educational advocacy, as well as promoting professionalism, collaboration, and excellence without a partisan agenda.

Our world is filled with the challenges of complex policy issues, new best practices in curriculum, instruction, and technology use, and an assortment of acronyms that influence our conversations. We monitor developments in education policy throughout the year. As education professionals, we know what our students need to succeed. 
Our members are catalysts for innovative solutions to the many challenges facing education. In the last decade, no education association has communicated that message to policymakers in our state and our communities as effectively as Professional Educators of Tennessee. 

We are leaders in developing sound policies to improve educational environments and outcomes for students and educators across Tennessee. Our members determine and advocate for a platform of education issues in a proactive, professional manner. We do not endorse candidates, and dues are never contributed to campaigns or political action committees. 
Successful advocacy is developed by creating effective and productive relationships. Our key is to find common ground where we can communicate with policymakers and stakeholders in a manner that allows them to engage more deeply in the education conversation. 

Professional Educators of Tennessee are the eyes, ears, and voice of Tennessee educators at the State Capitol. This puts our members in a position where they can teach, and students in a position where they can flourish. 
By acting as our members’ advocate at the Tennessee General Assembly in both the House and Senate, as well as working with the Governor, the State Department of Education, and the State Board of Education, we have made great strides in impacting education-related legislation in recent years. Below are some highlights of legislation we have worked with bill sponsors closely on in recent years.



Teacher's Discipline Bill [2021]

Senate Bill 230 - Sen. Hensley
House Bill 16- Rep. Cepicky


Recognizing that children cannot learn in a classroom where their teachers spend a significant amount of time dealing with student discipline issues, Professional Educators of Tennessee worked with legislators to help establish a process for a student’s removal and return to the classroom, subject to oversight and review by the local school principal. Ongoing student discipline issues can be unsafe, for the teacher and the other students, and significantly disrupt the learning environment. This legislation authorizes a teacher to manage the teacher’s classroom, discipline students, and refer a student to the principal or the principal’s designee to maintain discipline in the classroom. The legislation authorizes a teacher to remove a student from the classroom whose behavior interferes with the learning process, violates the student code of conduct, or poses a safety threat. 


Further Reading on Student Discipline Issues:

Teachers Bill of Rights [2017]

Senate Bill 14 - Sen. Greene/Sen. Tracy
House Bill 174 - Rep. Reedy


Professional Educators of Tennessee, working with numerous classroom teachers and members, built a list of rights and protections they wanted written into Tennessee Code. State Senator Mark Green filed subsequent legislation (SB14/HB174) and Rep. Jay Reedy immediately signed on as the House sponsor. State Senator Jim Tracy, a longtime supporter of public education, immediately signed on as well. It passed the TN General Assembly unanimously, in both the Senate and the House of Representatives. This is a framework, much like the Tennessee Code of Ethics, that lays a solid foundation for Tennessee Educators that can be built upon in the future. Professional Educators of Tennessee was honored to work on this monumental legislation with the members of the TN General Assembly.


Learn More About the Teachers Bill of Rights

Professional Educators Collaborative Conferencing Act

#SayDyslexia [2016]

Senate Bill 2635 - Sen. Gresham
House Bill 2616 - Rep. Pitts


Professional Educators of Tennessee worked with some incredible educators, parents and legislators this session. The legislation dealing with dyslexia was a total team effort and featured outstanding leadership by the bill sponsors. This bill requires the department of education to develop procedures for identifying characteristics of dyslexia through the universal screening process required by the existing RTI2 framework or other available means. It also created a nine-member dyslexia advisory council to advise the department of education on matters relating to dyslexia.


Learn More About the #SayDyslexia Bill

Professional Educators Collaborative Conferencing Act


Since PECCA replaced collective bargaining members have had the opportunity to engage in Collaborative Conferencing and participate actively in the process, having a seat at the table as representatives of the organization of their choice. These are exciting times for Professional Educators of Tennessee members! Our members' voices are being heard all across the state. 

Professional Educators Collaborative Conferencing Act

Student-Self Defense Bill [2013]

Senate Bill 113 - Sen. Tate
House Bill 860 - Rep. Weaver


This bill allows a principal to use their discretion in determining what disciplinary action to take, if any, when it can be proven that a student had been truly defending themselves or another when a fight occurred. This bill garnered much support across the state. Suspending or expelling a child for defending themselves does not make sense in every case. 

Front: Governor Bill Haslam; Back (L to R): Tim Brinegar (Dir. of Goverment Relations), Rep. Tony Shipley, Bethany Bowman (Dir. of Professional Development), Audrey Shores (Dir. of Technology & Communication), Rep. Terri Lynn Weaver, Cathy Kolb (PET Board President), Jan Forman (Dir. of Membership), J.C. Bowman (Executive Director), Rep. Debra Moody, Rep. Mary Littleton, Rep. William Lamberth Professional Educators of Tennessee Staff & State Representatives at the signing of the Student Self-Defense Bill (Public Chapter #222 2013)

Professional Educators of Tennessee staff and board members with Governor Bill Haslam at 2013 Day on the Hill     
Professional Educators of Tennessee staff, members, and board members with Governor Bill Haslam at 2014 Day on the Hill